Leveraging Quantitative Risk Models (QRA) For Effective DIMP Plans
- Knowledge of infrastructure
- Identification of threats
- Evaluation and prioritization of risks
- Mitigation of risks
- Measurement and monitoring performance
- Periodic evaluation and improvement
- Reporting of threats
Distributing hazardous materials directly to consumers can present unique challenges as the potential consequence for failure is often high. However, with thousands and even millions of miles of pipe spread far and wide, it is uneconomical to treat every pipe the same way when mitigating risks.
At Integrity Plus by MISTRAS, we have the software tools, experience, and personnel to develop risk models that help you comply with DIMP regulations and make informed integrity management decisions.
Quantitative Risk Models (QRA) are invaluable for making informed integrity management decisions. By integrating all available knowledge, the QRA identifies localized increases in threats and therefore estimates associated consequences. By quantifying the current risks and allowing operators to evaluate the risk reduction obtained through accelerated actions, operators can infer the effectiveness of proposed actions. By following these protocols, mitigations tracked in the model can be used to demonstrate the improved performance and reduction in risk exposure over time.
Our updated risk models provide even deeper insight into distribution pipeline assets, including:
- Risks calculated for every segment
- Leading indicator risk factors
- Objective quantitative risk output
- Fully addresses interacting threats
- Efficient workflows
By utilizing a risk-based approach, customers can:
- Differentiate high-risk pipe segments from lower risk
- Identify immediate safety concerns
- Optimize Integrity Management practices to economically apply resources
- Build awareness and communication of overall risk exposure
- Evaluate the impact of proposed risk reduction measures
Our QRA model runs on New Century’s Spatial Risk Analyst software. Operators choosing to license the software can perform their own model updates and evaluate potential additional actions to mitigate risk.
Our team works with operators to review data that is most informative for risk, identify gaps in their current data, and prepare data consumed by the risk model. Operators may leverage our pipeline domain expertise to accurately convert data from paper records, maps, CAD drawings, and spreadsheets to a variety of database formats.